Wednesday, March 29, 2006

OK! Now Why Do I Go To School Again???

We go to school to get a good education,to learn basic values of life and to be prepared to fit into society when we are done with the academic world. The basic story despite what you and I may say or think,we all go to school to get good grades so that we can get a good job with a fat paycheck. Correct me if am wrong but that my honest belief. So why do i gotta "do all that time" in school and study things that have no bearing to whatever i'm goin to be doing in the real world. Study sine,cosine & tangents,as if that helps balance my account. Well but some others got it good. They are born,find out they can play a sport and are like what the heck,am going get my meal ticket playing this sport. I mean they play for fun and games and get paid millions and we watch em and enjoy it..."Imagine that!"
Nowadays thanks to the annual Forbes list of best-paid athletes, you can talk ad nauseum about how much moolah Tiger Woods makes for hitting balls with a graphite stick or why Michael Schumacher has a fat account for constantly wanting to drive his car the fastest. Did I here you say "i can do that"? It may be murder on the self-esteem, but who doesn't love peeking into the deep pockets of the rich? Still, why shouldn't we bother,i mean we pay to watch then so watch them we will and in everything to, especially that fat check. Tiger Woods $87 million, Michael Schumacher $60 million, Oscar De La Hoya $38 million, Michael Vick $37.5 million, Michael Jordan $33 million, Shaquille O'Neal $33 million, David Beckham $32.5 million, Kobe Bryant $28.8 million, Lance Armstrong $28 million, Valentino Rossi $28 million. So now that we did the math, what did we learn about athletes who earn big?
Final Lesson: Learn a sport, perfect the sport like your life depended on it, play the sport and wham! Money money money.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u go to school cuz u kno if u dont ur dad will murder u...literally :p